Alive with Purpose + Coaching



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Privacy policy: Your information is 100% secure and never shared. You can unsubscribe from email anytime.

You will receive:

  • Full access to our comprehensive self-paced online program

  • 6 modules, 65 lessons with videos and video presentations

  • Personalized 1-on-1 coaching customized to meet your particular needs

  • Over 40 interactive worksheets with reflective and brainstorming exercies

  • 100% money-back guarantee

  • Six Dimensions of Purpose framework for discovering purpose in life

  • Personalized purpose-focused Enneagram personality profile

  • Your personal Purposphere revealing your intrinsic WHY!

  • Guided meditations and bonus materials

  • Email support and regular in-person, telephone, or Zoom coaching sessions

  • A Purpose Manifesto for living the life your love!

  • Full year access to start and end on your own schedule

If, after completing the program, you are not 100% satisfied, you can claim a refund within 30 days